Always be moving forward. That is what you must do to give your customers the best products everytime.
Ella Easton is a coeliac living in East Sussex, United Kingdom. We recently asked for guest bloggers to share their story about living with Gluten Free and Ella wrote a few words about her lifestyle. These are great tips for living without gluten and it is great to get a coeliac perspective.
Travelling the world can be frustrating when you have coeliac disease. It is an adventure bringing new experiences, new foods and ingredients. Exciting.
Capital and other initiatives in this company are co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund and Enterprise Ireland under the Border, Midland and Western Regional Operational Programme 2014-2020. The aim of the initiatives was to purchase assets to allow the company to increase productivity resulting in improved competitiveness, and to recruit a key manager bringing skills that are critical to future growth.